Our Print Shop viewer will show and print the graphics we provide, as well as any Print Shop GS graphics on other disks! Enjoy this monthâ•’s images or load your own--hey, we're flexible!
The images this month share a common theme with the clip art pages. These highway signs will prove invaluable when using the clip art to make maps to any and all of your gatherings. Includes an interstate sign shape, a railroad crossing sign, stop sign, and many more of the commonly seen road and highway signs.
Let's look at the options you will have once you run PS Viewer.
You'll immediately be greeted by the first nine of our images for this month. Use the scroll bar to view the rest.
NOTE: On one-drive systems, after the inevitable disk switching,
you will be asked to select a directory. Replace the Softdisk G-S
disk and click on the "DISK" button until the disk is "SDGS.17".
Now double click on "PS.GRAPHICS", and then on "PS.IMAGES" to get
to the images. Now choose "Open" to load in the graphics.
Under the Apple menu, you may choose "About Viewer," which will say Lane wrote it, we own it, and stuff like that.
Under the File Menu, we have the interesting options.
Read Directory
This will allow you to select the directory-full of images that you'd like to display. Once in the correct directory, double click on any of the images.
Save Screen
This lets you to save the screen. Once saved, the screen may be loaded into a paint program or used as clip art! Handy, eh?
Page Setup
This will allow you to arrange the page format in whatever way you desire.
Print Screen
This will print the images showing on the screen at that moment, providing, of course, that you have a printer, and it is an ImageWriter or LaserWriter or other that will work with GS/OS.
Print All Images
This will print out all the Print Shop image files in the current directory.
You may launch another program using this option.
This is a rather well-named option, as it allows you to quit.
Select "File Copier" from the File menu (or simply press Open-Apple-F). When the File Copier is loaded in, choose PS Viewer from the list, then choose where to install it, and let the Copier do its work!